When you start looking for investors, the first thing to determine is whether you should target financial investors or strategic investors.
Financial investors tend to be more focused on investment returns and expect a strong management team to operate the business.
Strategic investors generally operate in the same industry so they focus more on strategic benefits and potential synergies that could be realised.
Each type of investor offers their own benefits and drawbacks, so you need to assess what would be a better fit for your situation.
Securing the wrong investors could have potentially devastating consequences, especially if there are disagreements on how to manage the business.
Once you have a clear deal strategy and know your target investor profile, then it's easier to narrow down the investor base and start engaging with the right ones.
We work with a wide network of investors including private equity firms, institutional investors, family offices, business groups and high networks individuals. We select the best investor group for each deal and make sure we are matching your opportunity to the right investor.
As we have relationships with these investors, we know what they are looking for, and we make sure that the deals we pass to them have been curated and meet their requirements – providing you with a distinct advantage over other investment opportunities.
We also actively engage with investors on an ongoing basis, to clarify their queries and provide them with the right answers to their questions, as and when they arise.
With our strong investor relationships and thorough knowledge of their requirements, you will be able to i) target the right investors from the start and ii) effectively communicate the value of your business.
Stage 3 of your M&A journey is Negotiating Deals: Helping you agree the right terms with an investor, so you achieve your goals.